Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all.” -Proverbs 3:5-7 MSG
I’ve always wanted to go to Africa. It has been on my bucket list of places to go for a while now. As much as I had always desired to go, there was a fear that always prohibited me from doing so. The fear of the unknown but more so the fear of being out of my comfort zone.
When it came down to deciding on a mission trip with my church, I kept feeling the nudge towards Uganda. The ministry we would be supporting greatly aligned with the desires of my heart.
The week before I left, I listened to a pastor talk about his experience in Africa. While there, he met a man who said: “In America, you all believe in God but in my country, we depend on God.”
Wow! Those words have yet to leave my heart.
As I spent days in Africa, I quickly saw how dependent they were on Him for everything. They trusted Him with so much confidence. It is through conversations with the women where you see how their faith was so bold as they believed that God would truly provide all their needs.
As I walked into a home and saw how they lacked some necessities and wondered how they were making it through; I would hear the mom unknowingly encouraging me in her faith of dependence. She didn’t seem worried because she knew that He would provide as He had done before.
As I laid my head on the bed one night, I wondered how many times have I truly depended on God? The reality of it pained me because I was able to count the number of times.
God wants us to lean on Him for everything. To stop trying to figure it out on our own but trust that He already has the details worked out on our behalf.
It is my prayer that this experience would build my faith. I came into 2018 believing this very thing; that God will grant me bold faith to believe in God opportunities.
Will you join me, today? As we get ready to welcome August this week, it is my prayer that we will also welcome a refreshed sense of faith believing that if He said it, He will do it. There’s no need to worry about the how but to prepare for what He has already said.
Abba Father, help me in my unbelief. There are so many days where I cannot even pray for things because my faith has wavered, but Lord I ask that you help me to be more dependent on you. That I will lean on you to direct, guide, and strengthen my life. I no longer want to be a woman who just believes in you but a woman who is solely dependent on you. Amen.