Our God has different names to help us get a picture of who He is.
This year, I have been reminded that God, is Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides.
It is easy to read about who He was for those who came before us and miss being sensitive and expectant of the idea that He is still that for us today.
It’s sad to admit but I can probably count the times in my life, where I have solely depended on God. But as He has placed things on my heart more and more this year it is evident how He desires for me to trust and depend on Him as my Provider.
He wants to personalize His name for me.
In Genesis 22 when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son that he had prayed to receive, we see Abraham’s obedience to do as instructed. Although Issac began to ask questions about this sacrifice, we see the comforting words of his father “God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering (verse 8).”
Abraham spoke in faith even though the evidence was not there yet.
And at just the right time, God provided the ram.
Why is this important for us today?
God never changes.
He is [eternally changeless, always] the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8 AMP).
If God provided for Abraham, He is the same God that can (and will) provide for us today.
Whatever you are believing God for, surrender it to Him and trust that He will meet you in your place of need. He has the power and authority to bring the blessing at just the right time.
I want to encourage you today to pray boldly, trust His timing, and leave the rest to your Provider.
It is within His name to provide (and throughout the Bible, we see how important names have always been).
Let’s take Him at His word.
And because He is Jehovah Jireh, we can be sure that He will provide.
***If you are in a season where you feel tempted to get ahead of God, take some time to worship to this song, which has been my anthem. It is a sweet reminder of this truth.