I think many times, we get so caught up in how God has opened up doors for those around us that it makes us diminish what He’s done for us. As much as I love social media, I think it has a tendency to be a robber of joy. Why?
People share what they want you to know which in most cases, is the good in their lives. People want to showcase their vacations, promotions, engagements and more. Rarely do you see people oversharing their past, heartbreaks, family deaths, and tragedies. We keep those things close to the chest. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t share the good or you need to start sharing the stormy seasons, but it is to say how you shouldn’t allow a post to determine your value.
God hasn’t forgotten about you. He isn’t in the business of blessing everyone but you. He loves you and desires to answer your prayers. And I can guarantee that He is blessing you every day, you are just missing them because you are focused on the big miracle that you’ve been praying for.
You can’t allow your circumstances to keep you from receiving His best. He isn’t concerned about that, a matter of fact, He has probably placed you there so that He can get the glory when He brings you out of that situation. Just because things aren’t where you want them to be, doesn’t give you an open door to devalue this season in your life. God is building character within you. He wants you to lean on Him for guidance.
God has a purpose for you that doesn’t compare to others. He is just waiting for you to tap into Him as the source. I believe, when you do, He will begin to align your desires with His purpose for you. He will show you how His plans have been greater all along.
As we go into a new week, I challenge you to celebrate those around you. Be happy for what’s going on in their lives but don’t just stop there, you should be praising Him in advance for what He is going to do in your life.