As we gear up for Election Day, I think it is important to pray for our nation. For the last few weeks, we’ve taken a moment to do this in church but it is so important to do this at home as well. The person who is to be President will be, but all we can do is vote and pray. Regardless of your political views, it is important to be prayerful and confident in knowing that whoever it is, will be a part of God’s plan. It doesn’t matter if you agree with the results, it matters that we pray that the leader of our country can receive the covering of us Christians praying for him/her.
I always struggle with election years because the differences in opinions tend to bring out the worst in people and ultimately produce a divide because of it. Political topics run all through social media and memes are created as soon as a debate ends. People are arguing throughout status updates and there are commercials every few minutes attacking opponents. It just gets ugly and very dark during these times. But it doesn’t change the importance of our responsibility to vote. If you have the opportunity to vote, devote the time to do so. It is our civic duty to make our voice heard especially in such a controversial election.
How does God feel when his children can’t come together because of their differences in views? Everyone says it is “socially unacceptable” to talk about politics and religion but why? I don’t understand how adults can’t disagree and still remain respectful. You don’t have to like my views on certain topics but I pray that you are comfortable addressing your views while still respecting mine.
The greatest commandment is for us to love the Lord our God and the second is to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:29-31). My hope is that we can remember these commandments as we power through these next few weeks. It is all about a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. You can have strong opinions but don’t tear each other down to try to convince others. You can speak your truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).
I encourage you to pray for our nation and the leaders. Let’s not put all of our focus on who the leader should be because God will work it out. But let’s take a moment to pray for the strength and wisdom of our next leader. May God cover and protect him/her during such a pivotal time in our nation. God bless the U.S.A.