I have always wanted to go on a mission trip. I have heard the stories of friends and family who had life-changing experiences. I have seen pictures on social media. I have done many local outreach efforts but when it came to a “mission trip,” my feet never moved in the direction towards making it a reality…until now.
Last Saturday, I was prompted to begin looking into mission trip options. And then Sunday at church they passed out information on the 2017 mission trips. But last night, I attended the Mission Impossible connect group which I had signed up for months ago. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
When I would hear of mission trips, I always imagined being dropped off in the middle of nowhere to love on people in a third-world country, all while fearing my next move. I had this vision of going to the most dangerous parts of Africa to help care for children. But last night was different. I was open to the possibilities of missions in my own country as well as other places around the world. I still desire to go to Africa but I’m open to wherever I’m led to go.
I was blessed to hear stories of others who attended this past summer. They shared their financial struggles to get there as well as their humble hearts to do whatever task was needed while they were there.
Some stories were enlightening, other stories broke me.
I can’t let another year pass without taking the steps to do it. There is such a need in this world and God is just waiting for us to just GO.
As much as I want to do trips at all of the places, I need to pray for “the place” that I can make the biggest difference right now. I hear that when you go on one mission trip, you can’t help but want to go again and again.
I pray that wherever the Lord leads me and I will confidently just GO.
I want to be like Isaiah when God asked,” Who shall I send?” And Isaiah confidently said “Here I am! Send me!”