A couple of months ago, a co-worker sent me a link to a song titled Reckless Love. If I’m honest, when I first saw the title come through, I wasn’t initially interested because there’s a negative mindset that comes with the term reckless. But I finally caved in and gave it a try.
As I listened, the words began to pierce at my heart, and as much as I didn’t want to keep listening; it made me reflect. I remembered what it felt like when God gracefully broke me – when He took everything that was once familiar to mold me into someone new. He changed me, but what it took to get there wasn’t pretty. It was uncomfortable; it interrupted the life I knew; yet in the midst of it, I felt Him near.
Being a Christian never implies that life will be easy; there’s nothing that says we will never endure hard times. Our manual says the opposite.
When my back is up against the wall; I have the choice to release control and allow God to do what only He can do, yet whenever I depart from the very Word that I’m called to stand on there is nothing that my Heavenly Father won’t do to get the attention of His daughter. He will stop at nothing to turn our hearts back to Him.
I’ve learned how in the midst of recklessness comes a love that runs so deep. A love that is everlasting. A love that I can’t even comprehend the truth of its depth. But I feel it, I see it and I know it.
In Luke 15:3-7, Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep and shares this very concept of going after the one until it’s found. I find comfort in knowing that He will stop at nothing to keep us near Him.
Click here to listen to Reckless Love
1 Comment
Love this and that song!!